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Nursing services

Sairaanhoitaja palvelee ajanvarauksella ma-su klo 8-21 välillä. Kotona voidaan ottaa mm. tulehdusarvot, pika-hemoglobiini, verenpaineet, happisaturaatio, lämpö, virtsa- ja verinäytteet sekä hengitysäänten kuuntelun. Sairaanhoitajan vastaanotolla voidaan myös konsultoida lääkäriä tai käynnistää lääkärin vastaanotto etänä. Kts. lääkärin palvelut.

>> Ajanvaraus

Nurse services and price list

Laboratory tests at home

With home sampling, you don't have to travel to the laboratory. The nurse will come to you at the appointed time, take the blood samples prescribed by the doctor and transport them to the nearest Fimlab laboratory. The results of the blood tests are sent directly to the doctor treating you. Home sampling takes about 20 minutes. You can also request laboratory tests for yourself without a doctor's referral. TerveysLoika's doctor can interpret your results if you wish. The prices of laboratory samples and interpretation are added to the sampling fee.


Reception at home

The nurse can check your symptoms and health when you don't know if you should go to the doctor. The checkup can be easily done in your own home. The nurse can check, for example, your inflammation levels, blood pressure and hemoglobin and interview you about your symptoms, to assess the need and urgency of treatment. If necessary, the visit can be changed to a doctor-assisted video reception or the doctor can be consulted by phone. This way, for example, you can receive medical treatment during a check-up visit and you can even avoid a visit to the emergency room. Possible doctor's consultations and laboratory and imaging studies are added to the price of the reception. A check-up visit is not suitable for situations requiring urgent treatment. If you have chest pain, severe shortness of breath, symptoms of paralysis, severe pain or a suddenly weakened general condition, call 112.


Lifestyle guidance and coaching

TerveysLoikan elintapaohjaus ja valmennus auttaa sinua kartoittamaan terveyteesi vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja löytämään tärkeät terveyden osa-alueet, josta aloittaa pienet muutokset. Pääset sairaanhoitaja-valmentajan ohjauksen avulla luomaan itsellesi sopivat, terveelliset elintavat ja saavutettavat tavoitteet. Valmennuksen tavoite on auttaa sinua motivoitumaan ja luomaan kestävät ja terveelliset elintavat. Valmennukseen kuuluu laboratoriokokeita ja tarvittaessa lisäpalveluna lääkärin konsultaatiot. Sairaanhoitaja/terveysvalmentaja on tukenasi ja mukana matkallasi kohti terveempää elämää. Tapaamiset valmentajan kanssa tapahtuvat kotonasi ja/tai etänä. Sinä päätät tilanteeseesi sopivamman valmennuskeinon. Valmennusmateriaalit ovat saatavilla myös verkossa itsenäisesti suoritettaviksi.

€89.00 - €267.00

Business assistance

Nowadays, it can be difficult to take care of matters related to your health if you are unfamiliar with using a computer or smartphone. Many applications and reservations are made electronically on the Internet. From TerveysLoika, you can get help from a nurse to take care of health matters.


Procedures at home

Ear washes, removal of stitches and staples, wound treatments and medical injections can be done without leaving home. The nurse performs the usual procedures of a nurse's office in your home. The nurse comes to you at the scheduled time, performs the procedure you need and records the treatment report in your basic information.


Vaccinations and medical treatment

The nurse will give you the vaccination at home. You can get the flu vaccine, pneumococcal vaccine, traveler's vaccines, tick vaccine and shingles vaccine with a TerveysLoika doctor's prescription. Call the nurse and ask more about vaccines 044 986 8781 and their availability. A nurse can come to help you at home when you need a professional in the implementation of medical treatment. The nurse can administer the medicines prescribed by the doctor to you through many different administration routes. For example, regularly injected vitamin B injection treatment can be done comfortably on your own couch.


In-Body body composition measurement

With the accurate InBody body composition meter, you get a comprehensive analysis of your body's well-being and its composition. Measurements can be taken from many different starting points, depending on your age and goals, for example. Body composition measurement helps to set goals, motivate and monitor the effects of lifestyle on your body. The measurement can be combined with TerveysLoika's laboratory packages or health coaching, or you can come for an individual measurement just out of interest in your body. You always get a nurse's interpretation of the results! The measurement can be performed on Tuesdays at the Koskikara pharmacy from 9 am to 4 pm or at your own home.


A service fee of €7.90 is added to the nurse's services, which includes office, appointment and standard fees. The service may also include treatment equipment and examination fees and a nurse's mileage allowance of €0.57/km. Service supplements depending on the time of day and day of the week:

Saturdays from 9am to 6pm: + 30%

Saturdays after 6 p.m., Sundays, public holidays and Christmas and Midsummer Eve: + 50%.

Saturdays from 9am to 6pm: + 30%

Saturdays after 6 p.m., Sundays, public holidays and Christmas and Midsummer Eve: + 50%.

Customer feedback on services

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Orange Flower

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Keuhkoputken / poskiontelo  tulehdus hoitui paikanpäällä kotona ja vielä pyhäpäivänä helatorstaina, sairaanhoitaja otti cpr, kuunteli keuhkot, otti verenpaineet, happistatuurion ja verenpaineen. Lääkäriin sairaanhoitaja otti tietokoneen välityksellä yhteyden. Keskustelin itse lääkärin kanssa ja sairaanhoitaja avasi keskustelun. Ihan paras, ikinä en vaihda pois täältä, tästä palvelusta tuli omalääkäri ja sairaanhoitaja. Pikkulasten vanhemmat ja muut käyttäkää palvelua, ei tarvitse lähteä kipeänä terveyskeskuksiin ja palvelu hintoineen  ja sairaanhoitajan matkakuluineen oli 125 €. Upeaa palvelua. Sain vielä antibiotiitit sairaanhoitajalta ja huomenna hakee mies kuurin lopun apteekista.
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