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Vitamin D plays a key role in bone health, helps strengthen our immune system and can even improve our mood!

You can get vitamin D from sunlight. Just 10-15 minutes in the sun every day can help the body produce the necessary amount of vitamin D, when the sun is shining properly high.

During the winter months, when the sun is less, we can support vitamin D levels with foods such as fatty fish, eggs and fortified products, or by using a vitamin D supplement. In Finland, sunlight no longer guarantees vitamin D intake between September and May.

You can easily find out your vitamin D level with a blood test taken by a TerveysLoika nurse or a Fimlab sampler. Individual measurement of vitamin D can therefore be done as a home sampling in Valkeakoski, Akaaa and Lempäälä, as well as in any Fimlab laboratory.

Vitamin D (S-D-25)

  • The price of vitamin D is €21.00 + Sampling fee €20.00. If you take several samples, you only add the sampling fee once to your shopping cart.

    Kilometers will be invoiced separately as a bank card payment in connection with sampling if the sample will be taken to your home. The kilometer fee is €0.53/km for a trip over 5 km. The trip starts in the center of Valkeakoski.

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