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Doctor's services

The doctor is available by appointment Mon-Fri between 9am and 9pm. Doctor's appointments are phone and video appointments or home visits. If using remote connections is difficult or you don't have a computer or smartphone, you can have a nurse make a home visit to open the connections to the doctor. At the same time, the nurse can take important measurements from you for the doctor's appointment. At home you can take e.g. inflammation values, rapid hemoglobin, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, temperature, urine and blood samples and listening to breathing sounds. The medical treatment prescribed by the doctor can also be started immediately at the reception.

>> Appointment

Pidätämme oikeuden muuttaa hintoja ilman eri ilmoitusta. Voimassaolevan hinnaston voi tarkistaa tältä verkkosivulta.

Fillable forms for reception

There are handy tools for monitoring health and illness. Download yours here to print or order several paper copies by mail. It is not necessary to fill out all the forms before the reception, but they make it easier to get background information.

Mandatory forms are related to certificates and statements. They are marked with a red star *

>> Blood pressure monitoring form

>> Home monitoring measurements

>> Medication list

>> Stomach activity list

>> Prerequisites for the assessment of open ability * For the driver's license certificate


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